Saturday, August 26, 2017

Send Your Banners Into Orbit

I Earned 329 Banners In Just A Few Minutes By This Simple Method...

State Of The Art Mailer has a time based banner program. For every ad you click you get 5 minutes of banner ads displayed. Every 12 ads earns 1 hour.

Legacy Result has a great banner network program that places banner ads everywhere. 
1) In the "Ads" section you will see the "Banner Network Exchange" where you get your image URL and the Target URL. 
2) Just place them in the Time Bonus Banner Ad in the "Advertise" section of State Of The Art Mailer. 

I send all the email ads from State Of The Art Mailer directly to trash in my email and click on the "Unclaimed Solo Ads" in the "Get Credits" area on the website. In just a few minutes I earned 3 hours of banner ads in State Of The Art Mailer which generated 329 banner impressions to be placed in Legacy Result's banner network. 

Join These Great Programs Here: